In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful
United Muslim Masjid
​@ UMIC 1251 Pt. Breeze Ave - 1:00pm
7/7 Abdur-Rahman Taweel
7/14 Shaykh Hisham Abozeid
7/21 Imam Hanif Fouse
7/28 Adil Ismaaeel

Devoted to Addressing the Religious, Educational and Social Needs of the Ummah
Please plan your visit accordingly as the Masjid closes 20 minutes after Thuhr and Asr Salat.
Jumuah is live streamed here on our Webpage
For up-to-minute updates text "ummnews" to
(215) 798-7980

Director of Islamic Education - Shaykh Dr. Tahir Wyatt

Tahir Wyatt is from the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection. He was raised in both the West Philadelphia and Germantown. He was educated in the Public school system where he attended and graduated from both Masterman and Central H.S. He accepted the religion of Islam in 1993, and married his high school sweetheart shortly thereafter.
After graduation from Central in 1995, he began his studies at Temple University. He was awarded a full-Scholarship and majored in Mathematics with a Minor in Education. After three successful and exemplary semesters at Temple, he applied for and was granted a full-Scholarship to study at the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia. Tahir received his Associates Degree in the Arabic language in 1999 and his BA in the Science of Hadith and Islamic Studies in 2003; in 2004 he received his first Post- Graduate Degree in Islamic studies and in 2009 Tahir was awarded a Master of Arts Degree in Aqeedah, which is Islamic Creed.
Tahir has published several Journal entries including, but not limited to his work entitled “Prerequisites of Simultaneous Interpretation of Prophetic Traditions”, as well as served as the Chief Editor for many scholarly publications. Tahir has been selected by Professors, Religious Scholars, and Saudi Arabian Dignitaries to translate various articles, books, essays, lectures, and Scholarly works on a wide array of subjects here in the U.S. and abroad. In November 2012 Tahir was appointed by Royal Decree as the first person to teach Islam in English at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, the second holiest site in the Muslim World. This Mosque accommodates over a million worshipers; and in March 2014, Tahir was honored with the appointment of Simultaneous Interpreter for the Imams of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah Saudi Arabia.
While performing all of these duties abroad Tahir has been a constant resource and facilitator to mosque’s, Islamic center’s, universities, penal institutions and local governments on a variety of topics centered around Islam and current events.
Tahir Wyatt successfully defended his dissertation in October 2017 and earned his PhD in at the Islamic University of Medinah, KSA. He received the highest classification - Mumtazz with a recommendation to publish his work , a lofty accomplishment for our homegrown academician. He has been married for twenty years (20) and has five children.